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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Erectile Dysfunction Or Impotence - It Won't Affect Me, Will It?

That's a good question. It used to be claimed the main cause of impotence was psychological reasons. This was accepted medical fact for years until Viagra came along followed by cialis and levitra. As impotence affects around 1 in 5 men over the course of their life the answer is probably not. That's a relief isn't it? Unfortunately virtually all men know that feeling of Oh god it's not going to happen tonight. That's normal and usually not a problem the next time.

Impotence is the repeated failure to get or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse Now its recognised there are many reasons for impotence. They can be roughly divided into medical, physical, psychological and lifestyle issues.

Medical problems include illnesses such as diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure, heart disease and vascular disease (furring of the arteries). Damage to the nerves from operations such as transurethral resection of the prostate, prostatectomy, abdominal operations, neurological disease and trauma also cause erectile dysfunction.

Prescription drugs including beta-blockers, anti depressants and anti histamines have side effects, one of which is erectile dysfunction.

Being overweight, a smoker and unfit can cause problems, as can stress, anxiety, tiredness and working too many hours. Finally true psychological reasons such as depression can cause erectile dysfunction.

Thats quite a list but the good news is the list of treatments is almost as long! There are a variety of treatments but the commonest are Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.

They all work by relaxing the blood vessels of the penis, which allows more blood to flow in. As an erection is caused by blood flowing into and staying inside the penis this leads to a better, stronger erection. You still need to get in the mood as well but when you do most men (and just as importantly their wives, girlfriends, boyfriends or partners) find the results very satisfactory.

Things you can do to combat erectile dysfunction include stopping smoking, losing weight, exercising a bit more, getting more sleep if possible and learning to relax a bit. Easier said than done I know but as well as reducing your erectile dysfunction problem, youll feel much better and more confident. Its amazing how just feeling good about yourself seems to enhance your life ten fold. The glass is half full and those silver linings are present in abundance.

Andy Duncan is a doctor and freelance medical writer. For more information

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